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1. Landscape designs that utilize a natural desert theme with appropriate native vegetation and inorganic groundcover (rock, boulders, etc.) are highly encouraged.

2. Landscape designs, including hardscape elements such as walls and fences, shall be complementary and compatible with adjacent properties.

3. Multi-phase developments within nonresidential zoning districts shall have all primary entries landscaped with the first phase of development.

4. Landscape plans shall incorporate a water efficient design that encourages the formation of deep root systems, includes groundcovers to retain soil moisture, and groups trees and plants with similar water requirements on their own dedicated irrigation line.

5. Landscape plans shall address all applicable sight visibility concerns, including the location of traffic control signs and devices, private signage, sight visibility zones, and adequate spatial considerations for the (future) size and spread of plant materials at maturity in conformance with the City of Goodyear Engineering Design Standards and Policies Manual, as amended.

6. The selection and orientation of appropriate plant material on the south and west sides of buildings are encouraged to promote energy conservation and solar gains.

7. Where possible, required trees should be planted in locations such that at maturity, these trees will provide shade coverage for public sidewalks, on-site pedestrian ways and gathering areas.

8. All developments should include landscaped areas planted with pollinator and other insect friendly vegetation, such as Desert Milkweed or as designated on the City of Goodyear Approved Plant Matrix. Such vegetation should be planted in groups within retention areas, common areas or other open space areas suitable to the selected plant material.


1. Landscaping shall be provided in accordance with the following standards:

a. Development within single family zoning districts shall provide open space as designated in Table 3-2-3-A of Article 3-2 (Residential Districts) of the City of Goodyear Zoning Ordinance.

b. Development within multi-family zoning districts and nonresidential development in residential zoning districts shall have a minimum of twenty (20) percent of the net site/lot area in landscaping.

c. Development within commercial zoning districts shall have a minimum of fifteen (15) percent of the net site/lot area in landscaping.

d. Development within industrial zoning districts shall have a minimum of ten (10) percent of the net site area in landscaping.

e. Development within mixed-use planned area development zoning districts shall provide landscaping in accordance with the underlying land use of the property under development.

f. In addition to the minimum on-site landscaping, there shall be landscaping provided in all adjacent rights-of-way, between property line and back of street curb except for approved driveways, walkways, and bike paths. Such landscape improvements shall include trees, shrubs, and groundcover in accordance with the Goodyear City Code.

2. A minimum of fifty (50) percent of the required landscape area of a site shall be covered with live vegetation.

3. For properties within commercial, industrial, and multi-family zoning districts and for nonresidential developments within residential zoning districts, the following provisions shall be applicable:

a. Any required setback area adjacent to a street shall be entirely landscaped with the exception of necessary driveways or walkways accessing said street. Unless more strictly required elsewhere, landscaping shall include at least one tree for every thirty (30) feet of street frontage along with an appropriate number of shrubs, groundcover and other plant material to achieve fifty (50) percent live coverage. Solid walls higher than three (3) feet, parking areas and drive aisles are prohibited from locating within the required setback area.

b. When adjacent or separated by an alley, canal, easement or similar feature, from a single family residential zoning district, a landscape buffer shall be provided along the full length of the adjacent boundary. A minimum buffer width of ten (10) feet shall be provided in multi-family zoning districts and for non-residential development; fifteen (15) feet shall be provided in commercial zoning districts; and twenty-five (25) feet in industrial zoning districts. The buffer shall be planted with one (1) non-deciduous tree per thirty (30) feet of buffer length. Required trees shall be planted at grade and not within depressed areas (i.e., retention basins).

c. Buffer widths, as noted in Section 5-1-4-B-3-b, are minimums. Increased widths may be required by the Zoning Administrator, or his/her designee, at time of rezoning or subdivision platting to ensure consistency with the City of Goodyear General Plan and compatibility with the surrounding area.

4. Within all single family residential subdivisions and developments, landscape tracts shall be provided along arterial streets. Such tracts shall have a minimum width of ten (10) feet. Tracts shall be planted with at least one (1) tree for every thirty (30) feet of tract length along with an appropriate number of shrubs, groundcover and other plant material to achieve fifty (50) percent live coverage. Walls and fences may not be located within these landscape tracts.

5. For all new single-family residential developments, the homebuilder/developer shall provide a front yard landscape package that includes at least one (1) tree, shrubs and groundcover along with an automatic, underground irrigation system for each lot or provide a landscape stipend to each prospective homeowner in an amount capable of providing the improvements as previously noted herein. Residential lots seventy (70) feet or greater in width shall be planted with at least two (2) trees.

6. For development within nonresidential zoning districts, a minimum thirty (30) foot wide landscape buffer shall be provided adjacent to all existing or future freeways. All buffers shall include earthen berms with a maximum height of six (6) feet and maximum slope of 3:1 and shall be planted with one (1) non-deciduous tree per thirty (30) feet of buffer length.

7. Landscape plans shall take into account the location and viewshed of on site signage. The view of such signage should not be totally obstructed by mature landscaping. The Zoning Administrator, or his/her designee, may authorize the relocation or substitution of required plant material if such efforts are needed to promote sign visibility.

8. Cacti and other thorny vegetation shall be planted at least six (6) feet from any sidewalk within or adjacent to any arterial or collector road rights-of-way.

9. Unless specified elsewhere, half of all required trees shall be at least fifteen (15) gallons in size and the other half at least twenty-four (24) inch box in size.

10. Shrubs shall be a minimum of five (5) gallons in size.

C. TURF. Turf areas, with the exception of those located on single family residential lots, shall be developed in accordance with the following standards:

1. Turf areas shall be separated from other landscape areas by a six (6) inch wide concrete curb, concrete header, or other approved material acceptable to the Zoning Administrator or his/her designee. Curbing manufactured from plastic, metal or similar materials is discouraged.

2. The maximum slope of a turf area shall not exceed ten (10) percent.

3. Turf areas shall not be located in any rights-of-way. This provision does not preclude the use of artificial turf within rights-of-way or on other public properties as deemed acceptable to the Zoning Administrator or his/her designee.

4. Turf shall be limited to those areas intended for active recreation. For the purposes of this Article, active recreation areas are defined as specialized areas set aside for recreational activities and that are typically improved to include some form of equipment, sports courts or fields, buildings or other structures and that are appropriately sized to accommodate the intended activity. Turf intended solely for decorative purposes is prohibited.

5. Turf areas shall be accessible by at least one (1) hard-surface pathway to promote accessibility and use.

D. TREES. Trees shall be planted as required within this Article and in accordance with the following standards:

1. Trees shall be planted in locations appropriate to the long-term health and growth of the tree.

2. As required within this Article, trees planted within landscape setbacks, tracts and/or buffers do not have to planted in a single linear row, on-center. Rather, trees should be planted to ensure canopies do not overlap, shade is provided where beneficial, and where tree health and growth are best addressed.

3. Trees planted on commercial, industrial, or multi-family properties or on properties developed with non-residential uses in residential districts shall not have mature canopies that grow over adjacent single-family residential lots.

4. Trees with canopies growing over public rights-of-way, sidewalks, bikeways and all trees within parking lots shall be single trunk.

5. In accordance with the Engineering Design Standards and Policies Manual, as amended, trees planted within five (5) feet of a public street, sidewalk, or other paved or constructed surface shall have root barriers installed to protect the street, sidewalk and other surfaces from uplifting and other root damage.

6. If a required tree cannot be planted in its intended location, such as within an easement or sign visibility zone, then such tree shall be moved to another on-site location acceptable to the Zoning Administrator or his/her designee.

7. To help prevent a fire hazard, palm trees located within any zoning district shall be regularly pruned to remove dried fronds.

8. All trees shall be planted and staked in accordance with the City of Goodyear Standard Landscape Details as established in the Engineering Design Standards and Policies Manual, as amended.

E. INORGANIC GROUND COVER. All landscape areas not covered by turf, sidewalks, play surfacing, or hardscape features, such as a ramada, shall be covered by an approved inorganic ground cover such as decomposed granite, crushed rock, river rock, artificial turf, and/or boulders. The material, color, size, and depth of coverage shall be specified on the approved final landscape plan. Inorganic ground cover or applied dust control products are to be installed at a minimum depth of two (2) inches in all landscape areas.


Figure 1. Parking Area Configuration

1. The design of parking areas shall be in conformance with the standards as established herein and the City of Goodyear Design Guidelines Manual, as amended. This shall specifically include the requirement for planting strips and islands containing trees, shrubs and groundcover.

2. Landscape islands shall be provided at the end of each parking row (terminal islands).

3. Landscape islands shall be provided within rows of parking to break up long rows. No more than twelve (12) parking spaces may be placed in a row without installation of an island.

4. Landscape islands shall have a minimum width of eight (8) feet as measured from inside of curb and a minimum length equal to the length of the adjacent parking space.

5. Planting strips shall have a minimum width of six (6) feet as measured from inside of curb.

6. In accordance with Figure 1, trees in planting strips shall be installed in-line with the parking lane stripes to prevent damage from parking vehicles.

7. Each landscape island shall require planting with at least one (1) tree and three (3) shrubs or groundcover per parking stall length. Species selection shall be per the City of Goodyear Approved Plant Matrix.

8. Landscape islands and planting strips shall include a minimum two (2) inch layer of inorganic groundcover.

9. Palm trees are not permitted within parking areas unless intended to accentuate a focal point or entry lane.

10. Parking areas within industrial zoned properties, fully enclosed behind at least an eight (8) foot wall and intended for the parking of trucks and trailers, are not required to have landscape islands.


1. Retention basins shall be completely landscaped in accordance with the following standards:

a. Retention basins located within any front or street side setback areas shall be designed as an integral part of any frontage landscape area and shall not occupy more than fifty (50) percent of the linear frontage of the landscape area.

b. Retention basins within public view shall be contoured to create a natural appearance rather than plain, unnatural appearing depressions. Slopes shall be in accordance with the City of Goodyear Engineering Design Standards and Policies Manual, as amended.

c. Retaining walls shall not be located within required street frontage landscape areas.

d. Screen walls shall not be located atop retaining walls when such walls are within public view. A minimum six (6) foot wide landscape area shall be provided between any screen wall and retaining wall.

e. Retention basins shall be planted to achieve at least fifty (50) percent vegetative cover. All other areas not covered by landscaping, hardscape or other structures shall be covered with an approved inorganic ground cover.

2. Drainage ways shall be landscaped to achieve at least fifty (50) percent vegetative cover. All other areas shall be covered with an approved inorganic groundcover. The Zoning Administrator, or his/her designee, may modify these coverage requirements if such landscaping and/or groundcover are determined to be detrimental to the function of the drainage way.


1. Industrial Zoned Properties and Planned Area Developments. High water use plant materials or features shall not be used on industrial zoned properties. Such items include turf, water features, and shrubs, trees, groundcovers or annuals not listed on the ADWR Plant List or Goodyear Approved Plant Matrix.

Exceptions include turf intended for active recreation areas and the use of high water use plant material to adorn entryways or other focal points. If used, such areas shall be limited to a maximum of one (1) percent of the total landscaped site area.

2. Commercial Zoned Properties and Planned Area Developments. High water use plant materials or features shall not be used on commercial zoned properties. Such items include turf, water feature, and shrubs, trees, groundcovers or annuals not listed on the ADWR Plant List or Goodyear Approved Plant Matrix.

Exceptions include water features, turf intended for active recreation areas, potted plants or seasonal planting beds, and use of high water use plant material intended to adorn entryways or other focal points. If used, such areas shall be limited to a maximum of five (5) percent of the total landscaped site area.

3. Residential Zoning.

a. Multi-Family Residential Zoning and Planned Area Developments and Non-Residential Uses in Residential Zoning Districts.

i. High water use plant material shall be reserved for active recreation areas and focal points, such as project entries or community gathering areas, such as clubhouses and pool facilities.

ii. Turf shall only be permitted in areas intended for active recreation. If used, such areas shall be limited to a maximum of ten (10) percent of the total landscaped site area.

b. Single Family Residential Zoning and Planned Area Developments.

i. No high water use plants or turf shall be offered in front yard landscape packages provided by developers and/or homebuilders for new single family residential dwellings.

ii. For model homes constructed by homebuilders, the area used for high water use plants and turf shall be limited to twenty (20) percent of the total lot area. These materials are prohibited in the front yards of model homes.

iii. For all new developments, a property owners’ association or homeowners’ association shall not require the use of high water plants or turf nor restrict the use of artificial turf.

iv. Turf shall only be permitted in areas intended for active recreation. As previously defined herein, active recreation areas are areas set aside for recreational activities that are typically improved with some form of equipment, sports courts or fields, buildings or other structures, which are appropriately sized to accommodate the intended activity. If used, such turfed areas shall be limited to a maximum of fifteen (15) percent of the total landscaped site area.

v. The conversion of existing, decorative turf areas, not required for active recreation, to artificial turf or another inorganic groundcover may proceed without formal submittal of landscape plans to the City, as determined by the Zoning Administrator or his/her designee.

vi. These regulations, as contained within this Section 5-1-4-H-3-b, do not apply to individual owners of dwellings on single family residential lots. Such owners may plant high water use plant material and turf on their lots.


1. A programmable, automatic, and underground irrigation system shall be provided to all required landscape areas.

a. Trees and shrubs shall be irrigated on separate zones.

b. Sprinkler heads, including rotors, rotating and fixed spray heads, shall be pressure regulating bodies.

c. Drip irrigation emitters shall be pressure compensating.

d. Emission devices for trees shall be designed to encourage deep root watering.

e. Irrigation water shall be targeted to the intended vegetation. Overspray or seepage onto sidewalks, streets and parking areas shall be avoided.

J. PAVEMENT EDGE AND LANDSCAPE PROTECTION. All permanent uses, other than individual single family residential lots, shall provide a six (6) inch high, poured-in-place concrete curb, or other approved material acceptable to the Zoning Administrator or his/her designee, for all landscaped areas adjacent to parking areas, vehicular driveways, loading areas and other similar facilities. The curbing design shall meet the minimum requirements set forth in Maricopa Association of Governments Standard Detail No. 222 for single curbs. (Ord. 22-1565, passed 12-12-22)